Manufacturing Solutions, LLC
Odyssey Manufacturing Solutions is an Independent Manufacturers Sales agency which represents products and systems to support your High Pressure Die Casting or other casting foundries operate more effectively. Our focus is giving you the tools to improve the process from start to finish.
Odyssey Manufacturing Solutions brings many years of operational experience to your die casting and foundry floor. We have partnered with some of the best equipment manufacturers/integrators in the industry to provide the hardware, software and service to solve and improve quality, productivity and problem-solving issues on your factory floor.
Odyssey Manufacturing Solutions strives to offer the latest die casting/foundry process support technology with the highest reliability to keep your production cells running smoothly and efficiently. From die casting process control to quality and problem solving, we want to be the team you call when you need a solution.

Manufacturing Solutions LLC
Odyssey Manufacturing Solutions, LLC
Philip G. Torchio
Email: ptorchio@odysseymfgsolutions.com
Cell : 336.255.4304